Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Discipline Takes Practice

Paulin Nordin
Oh how I do struggle with this issue. Some days I am completely good about staying far, far away from the foods that I grew up loving. While others I find myself giving in to the temptation and pull of a food simply because "it tastes sooooooooooo good".

Of course I immediately feel guilty about it and punish myself with a killer workout the next day—reinforcing the notion that I should have left it alone in the first place—but the penance I pay only lasts until the next slip-up undoubtedly happens and then...BOOM!

Well, today was one of those days. I didn't eat well because I simply wanted to go "off the wagon" and eat something delicious and hearty for a change. Lifting, circuit-training, biking, etc. is all good for this body of mine but it also means I spend a great deal of my day looking for my next meal. And, did I mention I absolutely love food?

Inasmuch as I've gotten away from meat—tofu and soy are infinitely more desireable options to me at this point—and eschew most things dairy (although I don't know that I'll ever leave cheese), I do have my weaknesses. And when life gets ridiculously busy, I turn to those vices by the boatload.

When this happens, I start looking for ways to get myself back on track: a fellow woman-in-training, a photo, a quote, a song...or a simple blog post written by someone whose life is all about what I'm trying to become—the very definition of fit.

I found that inspiration today via Muscle and Fitness Hers; it was in a blog post written by Pauline Nordin—a fitness fanatic who has conditioned and trained herself into a fighting machine. Here's what she had to say about those days when the cravings seems to overwhelm your good intentions:
...when you cheat on your diet, you condition your brain into believing that it’s okay to give in. So when the urge to eat crappy food is strong enough, that’s it -- you will give in. To break this habit, you have to be consistent in saying no to the craving. When you are consistent, you give that response strength and you know that there is no damn way that cookie craving is going to derail you from your plan.
I read that and a light bulb went off for me because so often I just feel like—man...what did I just do here? LOL.

But reading that post reminded me that discipline takes practice and the destination I'm trying to end at won't come without setbacks.

So, today I lost, but as Scarlett O'Hara would say, "...tomorrow is another day".
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