Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Namaste: Working To Be Better At Being Me

Yoga on the Great LawnThis won't be a long post, but it's one that I felt heavily prompted to write today.

I am a wife, mother, and seeker of all things real in this world. I know that sounds corny to some of you, but that's who I am—it's my truth—that's my version of who I am in a nutshell. However, with that realization, I am never far from the reality of how much growing I still have yet to do.

As a wife, I do my best to be a friend and confidante to the man in my life because I don't think any marriage (or partnership) is worth having if it is had minus communication, loyalty, and love. The three come as a package deal and work in conjunction—not independently of each other—and require daily practice by both parties in order to be effective.

As a mother, I've discovered that I am better at the practical things—organization, providing loving care and nourishment, and being the best role model I can be—but I understand my limits as well. I play with my children, but I don't consider myself a playful person. Their father makes for a much more fascinating playmate and that works fine for them—and for us.

And finally, as a seeker of all things real, I am drawn to things that are both of this world and not. I want to learn new things and expose myself to the world in a more spiritually connective way because I feel that far too many of us take the world in which we live, breathe, and love for granted.

So, through my weekly practice of reading spiritually awakening literature and diving faithfully into the practice of Yoga, I feel more whole with each new day that greets me—isn't that all any of us want to feel?

My life is by no means perfect, but I don't expect it to be. Perfection isn't attainable, but living a life filled with grace is, and that's all I ever hope to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would love to take another yoga class. I started taking it last year at my gym on a 3 month cycle, then got into Pure Barre and then got into Krav Maga. Can you tell i like to jump around a bit haha? But seriously, yoga gave me an awesome workout and i was much more relaxed afterwards. I don't know why i never signed up for another class. My Mom is new to yoga & LOVES this steam yoga class she's in. It's been so good for her!

I need to look into another yoga class this Fall again. Reading this post makes me realize how much i miss it and need it!