The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
My kid's summer vacation began May 19th and since that time I have been far too busy keeping them busy to maintain two blogs with any level of dedication so, unfortunately, "Living Fit Mommy" was the one selected to fall dreadfully behind.
However, now that my little ones have settled into their summer routine and I have reconfigured my schedule to accommodate days filled with all things children, I will attempt to get myself back on the "Fit Mommy"track.
That said, this posting is less about the norm of eating right, living well, and maintaining balance than it is about getting my readers up to speed on what's been happening in my world.
The idea to do so was taken from my country cousin, Ally, over at
Copacetic in Carolina—whose blog if you haven't visited by now, shame on you, so go now!—and it's called "Currently".
So, here I am...
What I'm reading: It's tough to find time to do more than peruse the holy plethora of magazines I have on my nightstand—
Muscle & Fitness Hers,
Essence, and
Yoga Journal are among the few—but I do try to throw in a novel or two just for fun. Right now I am wading through a book on Abraham Lincoln, with whom I became intrigued after our trip to Washington this past April, but I also have
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks on my radar for the very near future.
What I'm watching: Lately, television does nothing for me, so I've been renting DVD's of shows that are now off the air. I have watched "Alias" and re-watched "Felicity" (a show I adored when it aired on the
WB more than a decade ago), while also starting "Curb Your Enthusiasm", "Entourage", and "
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency".
What I'm doing now since my kids are home: I haven't abandoned my workout regimen but I do have to be infinitely more creative to fit it in between shuttling them to karate and gymnastics, respectively, as well as the myriad of activities I plan for them to enrich their minds whilst school is out. That means what is normally a 75-90 minute workout is now 45-60 minutes. It's working out well so far as I get plenty of exercise just running around behind them.
What I'm ready for: Seriously, I'm soooooooo looking forward to getting a new MacBook. I love mine but I am giddy for a shiny new one to type upon. Second to that, an iPhone 5 of course. My tiny, slow, out-of-date 3GS has done all it can do but I refuse to spring for an iPhone 4 with the 5 supposedly right around the collective corner.
What I'm loving: the fact that my other passion—college football—is less than three months from starting anew. As a rabid Georgia Bulldogs and SEC fan, Saturdays seem empty minus some pigskin. less than 90-days and counting before what's wrong is made right.
Well, that's about it. As I said, I will try to get back on track with the blog now that the kiddies and I have a well-established schedule to follow.
Hope y'all are enjoying your summer thus far.