Monday, March 7, 2011

Breaking Down The Wall

Living a healthy lifestyle is a change I undertook a while ago—only getting serious about it in the last year—by educating myself on good nutritional habits and making proper food choices at the grocery store. As a person who shunned the reading of nutritional labels, it was amazing for me to come to the realization that I wasn't nearly as healthy as I thought I was. I ate far too many processed foods and was much too lenient where indulging in fast food was concerned. 

Those realizations led to the setting of two goals: 1) change my eating habits (less meat, more whole grains, and little, if any, fast food) and 2) make more of an effort to maximize and diversify my workout regimen (yoga, pilates, and cross-training were all added to the menu).

I started down the road of better living and, for a time, felt better about myself mentally, spiritually, and physically.

However, what I didn't account for is what happens when you hit the healthy living wall and suddenly, either through circumstance or frustration, decide you don't want to do it anymore. What are you supposed to do then?

In my case, a familial obligation led to my "fall off the wagon". I made commitments that wreaked havoc on my fitness schedule and made room for some uncharacteristic eating behaviors on my part.

I indulged myself in several slices of cake, as well as a few trips to Chick-fil-A (that Spicy Chicken Sandwich is sinful) and Burger King and, although I felt an immense amount of guilt each time I broke ranks with what I knew was the right thing to do, I still managed to rationalize the behavior.

However, the problem with rationalization is that it allows you to start down a slippery slope of acceptance that can eventually lead to your returning to old, familiar, behaviors again, and that has its own set of problems.

So, how do you break through the rut?

Well, I have to tell you, for me, it starts with reaffirming my original goals—eating better and maintaining my workout regimen. I have made a lot of progress over the last 9-months and I don't want to allow a few days of regression to set me permanently off track. So, I've resolved to find my groove again.

We are all human—capable of making mistakes—but that does not mean you can't get back on track. Perhaps that wall is just your subconscious' way of telling you to take a break. It is possible to get burned out if you don't take the time to reset.

Do you have to go on a binge to do so? Of course not, but don't forget to allow a little room to indulge yourself every once in a while.

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