Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Gift Conundrum: Five Thrifty Gift Ideas For The Harried Mom In Your Life

Let me warn you right off the bat, this isn't your average Christmas list. While I do emphasize these as great gifts for the harried mom in your life, some may disagree with the choices below.

That said, as a mom myself, I am more given to practicality than extravagance—even at Christmas—and I can appreciate receiving a gift that makes my life easier.

So, let's just jump right in:

1. A book of stamps.

Seriously! While I have joined the electronic age and pay many of my bills online, I cannot tell you how often I run across a bill that requires a mail-in (curse you country power company) and it is safe to assume that I am not the only one.

Even more, the mere thought of purchasing a stamp seems time consuming. The driving, the waiting in line...who has time?

Think about it.

2. Dish towels.

We're all cooks—good or bad—and we spend a great deal of time in the kitchen. A lovely set of dish towels from HomeGoods or your favorite retailer is practical and useful.

My mom gave me two sets last year and they came in handy during this holiday season when I've spent so much time playing chef.

3. A DVR or TiVO.

Okay, they can be a bit pricey, but sometimes you have to splurge.

A DVR or TiVO device will allow your superwoman to record all of her favorite shows and watch them at a later date.

4. A handmade coupon book.

The one thing a busy mom never has enough of is time. Every hour of the day is usually accounted for and little of that involves anything for her. As moms, we aren't likely to fuss about that fact much—it's in our nature to be Superwoman—however, there is always the desire for a little "me-time".

So, why not make a coupon book that offers small opportunities for just that—time. The book could be for as many different occasions as you like (although 12 is a nice start) and could include items like:
  • A Mom's Day Out—minus the kids.
  • A night off from preparing dinner or cleaning up afterwards.
  • An hour for taking a relaxing bath.
  • A Free massage
Be creative!

5. A journal.

The one thing most don't do enough is take note of our own thoughts.

Journaling doesn't have to involve a daily entry or even a long one. It's simply an opportunity for getting some of the stress of the day off your chest and decompressing.

It's also a great way to maintain mental health.

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