Monday, December 27, 2010

Breaking Free of Your Holiday Hangover

A depressed male Caucasian teen with his head in his folded arms and outlines of his parents hands on his backThe blues don't come with a warning and sometimes it can take you a moment to realize that you are '"sad". The end of the holiday season can bring about such a feeling—believe it or not.

For a great many of us, Christmas is about more than the shopping and the gifts—it's about the comfort we get from being around those we love. Despite the stress and drama that can come with the presence of family/friends, you still appreciate the opportunity to have loved ones with which to spend that time.

You conversate, eat, and exchange memories with these people and those actions envelop you with feelings of great warmth and security. You forget—temporarily—about the issues of being an adult so that you can enjoy the beauty of the season with those around you—becoming like a kid again. 

So when the festivities end, and we all begin to make our way back to the chore of living our real life, it can be a major letdown because few of us are interested in dealing with the stress of the everyday —bills, job, mortgage/rent, etc.

We prefer the fantasy.

So, how do we combat the feelings of sadness? Well, for one, we have to pinpoint the reasons we think we are sad. If it's the realization that everything must return to normal, then it's time to start figuring out what it is about that "normalcy" that makes you feel so bad?

What are you running away from and when did that become the definition of who you are?

If it's about the lights and the consumeristic quality of it all, then you may need to dig deeper to discover why it is that you need to see the bells and whistles to feel complete. What is your spirit lacking?

There is nothing wrong with feeling a little under-the-weather about the demise of the holiday season. Don't feel bad about it if you do. Instead, take that time to focus on the good memories made and the ones still to come in the years ahead.

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